2. As an Officer of the (various) Courts, Defendant corrupt Lee County Assistant Attorney Peterson falsely and fraudulently pretended, e.g., to the U.S. Court of Appeals:
Nature of the Suit
Appellant Busse claims to own and public records confirm his ownership of a 50’ x 130’ lot bordering a platted 60’ street on a barrier island in Lee County named Cayo Costa. Busse claims riparian rights. The State, the County and the Property Appraiser deny his claim of riparian rights.”
See Answer Brief of Defendants-Appellees Lee County, Florida, and Board of Lee County Commissioners, in the U.S. Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit, Case # 08-13170-B, dated 08/14/2008.
Here, Defendant Peterson perpetrated extrinsic fraud and fraud on the Court(s). Peterson conceded that Plaintiff(s) “claim riparian rights”, which were conclusively proven by the newly discovered evidence and indisputable and un-rebutted 1912 Plat evidence on record, PB 3, PG 25 (1912). Here, Peterson asserted that “[t]he State, the County and the Property Appraiser” treated the Plaintiff unimpeachable record owners disparately and wrongfully “denied” Plaintiffs’ vested riparian property rights and record unimpeachable private street lands and easement(s) ownership.
3. On 08/14/2008, Defendant Jack N. Peterson materially misrepresented:
Public records confirm that Busse owns a lot in a platted subdivision located in Lee County. This lot (50’ X 130’) abuts a platted 60 foot wide street. At some point westward of the street is the Gulf of Mexico. Since the subdivision was platted in 1912, considerable accretion has occurred on land bordering the Gulf of Mexico westward of Busse’s lot. Appellant claims riparian rights. Lee County has claimed said accreted lands for public park purposes.” Id., p. 4.
4. Here, Defendant Jack N. Peterson fraudulently concealed that
a. The “land bordering the Gulf of Mexico” is Plaintiffs’ platted adjoining riparian Gulf-front “paper” street land, to which the Plaintiffs hold unimpeachable, free and clear record title;
b. Plaintiffs’ platted adjoining riparian “paper” street lands abut and touch the navigable waters of the “Gulf of Mexico”, PB 3, PG 25;
c. Concededly, “considerable accretion has occurred” onto Plaintiffs’ adjoining riparian “paper” street “on the Gulf of Mexico”, to which the Plaintiffs hold unimpeachable, unencumbered, and automatically quieted record title pursuant to Florida’s self-enforcing Marketable Record Title Act;
d. Plaintiffs’ platted riparian “lot”, i.e. Lee County Gulf-front Parcel # 12-44-20-01-00015.015A, has a surveyed depth of more than 2,300 feet, and an area of more than 2.6 Acres pursuant to said Plat and the 2008 Surveys on the record;
e. Lee County never “claimed” and/or asserted any “claim”;
f. No “Lee County” “claim” could have possibly created and/or transferred any interest or estate in Plaintiffs’ riparian Gulf-front street land to Lee County, FL;
g. The Plaintiffs’ hold exclusive unimpeachable and unencumbered record title to said platted adjoining riparian Gulf-front street, which runs with Plaintiffs’ riparian upland.
5. Here corruptly, Peterson perverted the public record and said 1912 Plat for the unlawful purpose of deliberately depriving and defrauding the Plaintiff record street owners. Here, Peterson deliberately misconstrued and materially misrepresented Plaintiffs’ unimpeachable record conveyance of riparian Parcel # 12-44-20-01-00015.015A “on the Gulf of Mexico”. Defendant Peterson deceived the Court(s), e.g., about Plaintiffs’ true unimpeachable and unencumbered
a. Record ownership of; and
b. Record marketable and paramount title to
riparian Gulf-front Parcel # 12-44-20-01-00015.015A, which abuts and/or touches the “Gulf of Mexico”, PB 3, PG 25 (1912)...
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